
nice places to visit

Llogara: Is one of the most picturesque places on the Albanian Riviera. Pine trees cover the land, but there are many box-wood trees there as well. The 1020 hectare area is covered by lush plant life. It is considered a classic place where a natural equilibrium exists between the world of animals and plants. The well known area of Llogara has a height of 1027 meters. You can find the mineral dolomite in a place called “Gerxhina Mountain”.

Caves: Cave writings-Lepenice is situated on the mountain and village of the same name, which has a height of 800 meters above sea level. Pictures found in this cave represent post-Paleolithic art, which is known as the oldest in all of Europe. In the cave you find 19 anthropomorphic figures and 8 geometrical pictures. Velça Caves are part of the culture of the late Neolit culture of the 3rd millennium BC. Professor Marciani took notes about this cave, and speculated that it must have been lived in 1000 years before Christ.Haxhi Ali Cave in Karaburun is situated on the peninsula. Located in a cliff, it is the biggest cave in Albania at 30 meters long, 10 meters wide and 10-15 meters high.

water resources

Vlore is blessed with numerous natural springs because of precipitation and the mountainous landscape. RiversThe Vjosa River with the length of 76km, it has served as a natural border between Fier in the north and Vlore. It was very practical to navigate between the two cities because the river generally passes through fields and flat land.Shushica River has a length of about 80km and is also known by another name, Vlore River, because it traverses the valley of the same name.Lagoons:Vlore has two of the most important lagoons in Albania. They are Narta Lagoon and Pashaliman Lagoon. The lagoons are both connected with the sea by the way of a channel and, as such, are affected by the tides.Narta Lagoon is situated north of Vlore. It is well-known internationally because of the number of sea birds, which exceeds 48,700. For three species of sea birds, 1% of the total number find refuge here. In winter, more than 23% of the sea birds of Albania live in this area.Pashaliman Lagoon, although small in size, is known for different kinds of ducks and for winter seabirds that migrate through Albania

vlore - the sunnyland

Vlore lies in the southwestern region of Albania, at the southern end of the Adriatic Sea and the northern part the Ionian Sea.The Vlore coastline accounts for about 30% of the entire coast of Albania. It is 135km from the capital city, Tirana, separated by only 72km from Italy Channel of Otranto and 123km from Greece the island of Corfu.The surface area of Vlore is 1609km2 and includes 4 cities; Vlore, Selenica, Himara and Orikum. It has a climate typical of Mediterranean Sea, with mild winters that are generally wet, and summers that are dry. The Vlore region has three basic climatic zones:The coast has moderate temperatures, as the other countries of the Mediterranean, and does not suffer the cold winds like the western side of Albania.The inland, hilly areas in the region have a cool climate with rains and similar to that of Central Europe with a relatively mild climate.The mountainous region, such as Llogara, possesses a dry continental climate. In winter it can be quite cold though snow is relatively uncommon and has fresh, cool air all summer long.Vlore receives more hours of sunshine per year than any other region of Albania - averaging over 2000 "sunny" hours annually. Vlore has the only peninsula in Albania, which is named Karaburun. It is roughly 16km by 4km in size, and an area of 62km². The peninsula of Karaburun is rich in natural resources famous for marble, woodlands, and archeological remains. It is also home to a reserve for wild pigs.The only island in Albania, named Sazan, is located 17km from the port of Vlore and 9km from Triport Three Gates in the Vlore region. The highest point of the island is 342m. Sazan has a surface area of 5.7km² and 12km of coast. A rocky cliff breaks the beach.Vlore, long known for its olive production, at last count had approximately 280,000 olive trees. The olive trademark " Vlonjak" is one of the oldest in Europe and is known for its great oil production.The territory around Vlore comes from thriving ancient cities such as Amantia-Ploce, Olympe-Mavrova, Orikos-Orikum, Himera-Himare, Kionina-Kanine, Nymfeum-Selenica and Aulona-Vlora.

the castles

The Castle of Gjon Bocari is located in the village of Tragjas and was built in the 16th - 17th centuries. The walls form a rectangle, with a width of 1.25 meters and a height of 5.5 meters. Himara Castle was fortified by the Kaon tribe and is mentioned in Byzantine documents. It was repaired in the 6th century. Emperor Justinian had the castle rebuilt to defend against the attack of the Barbars, Gots and the Hus.

Kropisht Castle is situated in the place called Llutroi, built in the Roman period. It is composed of stones, 24x2x5cm. The fortress was built in the shape of a square with an area of 250x180meters. For the most part, the widths of the stones were 1.2meters.

Porto Palermo Castle or Ali Pasha Tepelene Castle is near Himara. The width of the stones is 1.6meters. This castle was designed by a French engineer and was constructed in the shape of a pentagon.

Kukum Castle is located in Qeparo, near Palermo, in the region of Vlore. It was built in the 2nd century BC.

Vlore Castle was built in 1531 by Sultan Sulejman to protect Vlore from attack from the army of Venedik. This castle was documented by Dr. Auerbahu in 1847 and was saved in the library archive of Innsbruck.

Kanina Castle was built in the old center of Vlore in the 3rd century BC. This castle has an area of 3625ha. It was rebuilt by Emperor Justinian in the 5th century BC. In Anna Komnenes' notes, she talked long about her father, Emperor Aleks', war against the Norman army.

Movrove Castle is situated in the Shushice valley and was built in the 4th century BC. The walls are built with a limestone blockade